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Treatment for Chronic Testicular Pain in Los Angeles | CMRM
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Now Offering $500 OFF Vasectomy Reversal*

Contact Us Today Treatment for Chronic Testicular Pain in Los Angeles


Pain in the testicles is a fairly common condition treated by urologists. While most men may not like to talk about it, chronic pain in the testicles is thought to affect up to 50 percent men over their lifetimes. There are many possible causes, and thankfully, many of them can be easily remedied with medication, physical therapy, or surgery.

If you or a loved one is suffering, it is well worth the time to allow us to examine and perform tests to get to the bottom of your chronic testicular pain, help you achieve relief, and get back to a normal, happy life.

Common Causes of Chronic Testicular Pain

Some of the common causes of chronic testicular pain include:

Epididymitis: A condition in which the epididymis (a duct located at the back of your testes) becomes inflamed. This condition can occur as a result of a urinary tract infection, trauma, a sexually transmitted disease, or several other medical conditions.

Post-vasectomy pain syndrome: In some cases, complications can arise after a vasectomy that cause chronic pain, including epididymitis, sperm leakage in the testicle, or nerves that have become trapped.

Trauma: Physical trauma is a common cause of chronic testicular pain, and if we can identify the underlying damage, there is a good chance we can repair it.

Hernia: When a portion of your intestine bulges into your scrotum, extreme aches and pains can occur. This can be repaired with surgery.

Torsion (twisting of the testicle): When the spermatic cord becomes twisted, you can experience severe and sudden pain on one side of your testes, sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting. This is a surgical emergency and must be repaired rapidly to avoid long-term damage.

Post-vasectomy pain syndrome: In some cases, complications can arise after a vasectomy that cause chronic pain, including epididymitis, sperm leakage in the testicle, or nerves that have become trapped.

Varicocele (varicose veins of the testicle): When veins near the testicles become swollen and twisted, chronic and uncomfortable pain can result. This is treatable with conservative, effective procedures.

Spermatocele: Some men develop a cyst near the testicle that fills with fluid, causing pressure and pain on the testes that can be very extremely uncomfortable.

Most of these conditions are easily diagnosed and treated. Occasionally, even when treated appropriately, the pain becomes chronic. In up to 25% of patients with chronic testicular pain, no cause can be found.

Treatment for Chronic Testicular Pain

When Dr. Werthman sees patients for chronic testicular pain, he will make certain that they undergo diagnostic tests such as scrotal ultrasound. Initial treatment is usually conservative, consisting of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications.

If the pain does not diminish with conservative treatment, a new surgical technique has been developed that resolves most testicular pain while preserving the testicle. This procedure is known as microsurgical denervation of the spermatic cord or “cord stripping.”

When Dr. Werthman performs this procedure, he makes a small incision (2 inches) in the groin and, under the operating microscope, separates all the structures in the spermatic cord, including the veins, nerves and vas deferens. The arteries to the testicle and lymphatics are left intact. This is very similar to the microsurgical varicocele repair, except that the vas is cut as well as the veins.

Complete testicular pain relief can be expected in 75% of appropriately selected patients and partial relief in 9%. The procedure is performed in an outpatient facility and takes 45 minutes. Recovery time is between two and five days.

Microsurgical spermatic cord denervation offers a successful treatment option for men with chronic testicular pain, while preserving the testicle. At the Center for Male Reproductive Medicine, we are pleased to help those who come to us with chronic testicular pain using this procedure.

Treatment for Chronic Testicular Pain in Los Angeles

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Schedule a private consultation with male fertility doctor Dr. Phillip Werthman to learn about your male reproduction options and get all of your questions answered.

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