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Understanding Male Reproduction Conditions and Procedures

At the Center for Male Reproductive Medicine, we specialize exclusively in disorders of the male reproductive system. Our Director, Dr. Philip Werthman is one of the most highly-regarded specialists in the world in the field of male reproductive medicine.

Board certified by the American Board of Urology, Dr. Werthman is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS), and one of the few urologists to be elected to the Society of Reproductive Surgeons.

He is a member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, Pacific Coast Fertility Society, American Urologic Association, American Society of Andrology, and the Society for the Study of Male Reproduction (SSMR).

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Azoospermia is a condition in which a man has no sperm in the ejaculate. This was long considered to be a case of permanent infertility, but new technology has changed all that.

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Chronic Testicular Pain

Sometimes testicular pain, even when treated properly, just won’t go away. If you suffer from chronic pain in your testicles, find out how Dr. Werthman can help you to get permanent relief.

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Ejaculatory Failure

Spinal cord injuries can sometimes leave a man unable to ejaculate, although he is otherwise very capable of fathering children. Advanced technology can resolve this.

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Enlarged Prostate

As they age, most men begin to notice their prostate, because it enlarges and causes problems such as frequent urination. Treatment is available to help with this difficulty.

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A sensitive subject for many men, the truth is that impotence or erectile dysfunction is a common problem that can be successfully and easily treated.

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Klinefelter’s Syndrome

Klinefelter’s is a genetic disorder that often leaves men with reduced fertility. With Dr. Werthman’s help, many of them are now becoming fathers.

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Male Infertility

Exciting new micro-surgical techniques have enabled Dr. Werthman to help most men with infertility issues become fathers.

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Penile Curvature

Peyronie’s Disease or penile curvature is a build-up of fibrous “plaque” or scar tissue within the elastic covering of the erectile tissue of the penis, requiring treatment.

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The prostate is a tiny gland that surrounds the urethra like a donut. Inflammation of the prostate is an uncomfortable condition for many men that can be successfully treated.

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Varicocele Repair

Varicocele is a condition similar to varicose veins, in which veins enlarge and stifle the testicle, reducing fertility. Micro-surgery is used to repair it.

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Conditions | Center for Male Reproductive Medicine

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Schedule a private consultation with male fertility doctor Dr. Phillip Werthman to learn about your male reproduction options and get all of your questions answered.

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