The 1 Thing You Should Know About Male Infertility
How Just 4 Words Can Spell HOPE for Couples
You are not alone.
Those four words may not seem like much to someone who hasn’t faced a male infertility struggle. But for people who have, those words can become a beacon of hope in what can easily turn into a sea of frustration, expense and despair. Especially for men who are struggling with issues related to their fertility, it can be a devastatingly isolating experience. Many women faced with infertility will talk it out with trusted friends, loved ones or others who are facing the same challenges. But men often react differently – inwardly internalizing and outwardly seeming to “shut down” about it.
In my decades of practice, I have come to realize that there is no “right way” to react to news that a couple’s hope of having a baby is severely challenged by a complication with one or both of their biological processes. And while there is no guideline for the reaction to the news, there are plenty of things couples can do to realize the dream of conceiving a child.
What many couples may not realize about fertility struggles is that the male is 50% of the equation. If there is a problem with conception, in nearly half of cases it is the result of a problem with the man’s reproductive organs. Infertility IS NOT only a female problem.
The good news is that there is PLENTY that can be done to help men facing fertility concerns. From simple lifestyle changes to other technologically advanced, minimally invasive and low cost (relative to the price of multiple IVF cycles) treatments, couples with concerns about the man’s fertility should never suffer in silence.
When a man’s reproductive health is of concern to a couple that is trying to conceive, it is crucial to seek the advice and consultation of a male fertility specialist. General urologists may “dabble” in treating men’s reproductive problems, but when fertility issues are of concern and the desire to have a baby is present, a male fertility expert is the best equipped to provide the diagnosis and advanced treatments required to correct whatever issues are present as quickly as possible so that you can begin the remarkable journey of parenthood – together.